<aside> 💡 As you could see, this is just some draft. If you’d like to help me write, ping me on twitter (@gusdantas) or on discord (gustavo.dantas)



Discipline plays an important role in changing and becoming a better person, but that is precisely why I believe it is overrated: It is not supposed to be a daily concern, but a seldom impulse to act different from what we are used to.

Why you are not disciplined

As though we like to think we are so different from our ancestors, the present-day human brain is the same dated around two hundred thousand years ago and we are not ready for that much information and stress we spend daily, like attending meetings, studying for countless tests, interacting with hundreds of people in just a few seconds.

Why is that?

The human brain uses more energy than any other human organ, around 20%, and a specific part of the brain, called prefrontal cortex, takes 30% of the brain’s energy, and why is that important?

Well, the prefrontal cortex is the part of the brain that is responsible for delaying instant gratifications, balancing short-term rewards with future goals and changing your situations when situations change.


Disciplines becomes too tiring for the brain.


The solution is our brain automatizes most of its work, and that’s when the habits pop out.

Instead of focusing on improving your discipline, try building better habits so the right decision is always the only one.

For that, I recommend therapy to learn more about yourself and an individual approach to your problem.

And if you’re feeling like reading more about it, you could see my article ‣ and also check out Atomic Habits, by James Clear